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At SoBo, we believe that true health and wellness require a holistic approach that addresses the needs of the whole person. We offer a range of holistic services that are designed to support your health and wellness in all aspects of your life.


“Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind.” 

― Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

A physical, mental, and spiritual process which unites the body, mind, and soul. A spiritual process of self-discovery and liberation through movement, breath, and connecting with your highest truth.


SoBo offers personalized 1:1 yoga classes to all levels that are customized to your unique needs and preferences. We will work closely with you to identify specific goals to create a customized plan and cultivate a deeper awareness of your body and mind. We will guide you on your journey toward greater self-awareness and inner peace through in-person and online classes that may include asana, pranayama, meditation, and yogic teachings. 

Our expertise lie in chair yoga, yin yoga, and vinyasa.


“The chakras are very intelligent – they are like the software of the whole computer body.”

– Dharma Mittra

An art that heals by flowing the universal life force through the body  to re-establish the flow of Qi and remove blockages. 


As certified Reiki Masters, we work with clients to identify areas of imbalance or blockage in their energy fields and then use hands-on techniques or the healing properties of crystals to stimulate the flow of energy to promote healing. We offer a range of services including in-person and distant 1:1 reiki sessions, as well as crystal healing workshops.

Holistic Nutrition

'When your diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when your diet is correct, medicine is of no need."

-Ayurveda Proverb

A natural approach to healthcare that addresses the interconnectedness  of diet, lifestyle, and environment.


We believe that food is medicine and that by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can dramatically improve your health. We work with our clients to identify their unique nutritional needs and create a personalized plan that is designed to address their individual holistic health concerns and goals. Through our use of the latest research in nutrition and traditional knowledge, we ensure that our clients receive the most effective advice. Our range of holistic nutrition services to meet your individual needs includes 1:1 nutrition consultations, meal planning, and nutritional counselling.

We work with digestive health, mental health, hormonal health and environmental health concerns. 




+1 778 835 4920

Feel Your Best
Be Your Best


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